Kissa haistelee Runebergintorttua.

Runeberg’s cake

In Finland we have the eternal discussion about how the Runeberg’s cakes should be. No right answer there will never be, it depends on what you are used to. At Strandhagen, Runeberg’s cakes are baked in-house. In recent years, Hilkka Uusivirta’s traditional recipe has been used. The tortes contain gingerbread, crispbread, almond flour, and breadcrumbs….

Punmullattu kaksikerroksinen talo koivujen takana. Pehmeä lumikerros ja kirkas sininen taivas.

Winter life at Strandhagen

Strandhagen Bed & Breakfast in winter sleep. Accommodation is available again from May, make a room reservation already now. In the winter it’s silent family life at Strandhagen. Bed & Breakfast is available only for the wild animals. The hotel rooms for the winter guests are under a spruce or in the snowdrift, and the…

Kaksi suomen hevosta lumisessa maisemassa maistelemassa heille tuotua joulukuusta.

Christmas tree

The Christmas tree is one of the most important Christmas traditions, and we enjoy it for a long time. But what happens to the Christmas tree after Christmas? This year we found utilisation for the Christmas tree. The neighbours’ horses got it as a treat. The search for the perfect Christmas tree starts early in…

Walk to Strandhagen!

  If you wan´t to stay at Strandhagen and don´t have a car, you can do as Anna from Germany did, walk from Porvoo. The first 15 kilometers there is a nice trail through the forrest, the rest 4 kilometers you can walk along the road admiring beautiful countryside. Slow travelling like this is good…