Enjoy breakfast at Strandhagen B&B
At Strandhagen B&B you will enjoy a long, peaceful and delicious breakfast.
At Strandhagen B&B you will enjoy a long, peaceful and delicious breakfast.
Since the beginning of this summer you can play Frisbee Golf in Virvik, in the neighbourhood of Strandhagen. http://frisbeegolfradat.fi/files/2017/05/virvik_porvoo_ratakartta_2017.png
If you wan´t to stay at Strandhagen and don´t have a car, you can do as Anna from Germany did, walk from Porvoo. The first 15 kilometers there is a nice trail through the forrest, the rest 4 kilometers you can walk along the road admiring beautiful countryside. Slow travelling like this is good…
Summer and our favourite summer neighbours have arrived! Why don´t you also come and try the calmness of the countryside at Strandhagen B&B.