Strandhagen´s Hilda
At the age of 10 Strandhagen´s brown dachshund Hilda is turning in to a grey hound.
At the age of 10 Strandhagen´s brown dachshund Hilda is turning in to a grey hound.
We were happy to have our swiss friends with us here at Strandhagen for a week this year again. Usually Judith bakes “blåbärsbulla” but now it was too early for the blueberrys, and unfortunately there will be hardly any blueberries in this area, probably too dry during the spring. Instead of “blåbärsbulla” Judith wanted to…
Kristina Elo wants to bring joy to all who pass by at the Mariankatu in Loviisa and has one of her paintings hanging on a wall. If you want to see more of her works, visit Srandhagen B&B´s private collection of Kristina Elo´s paintings or Kristina Elos paintings at Facebook.
Strandhagenissa aiemminkin käynyt Elli yöpyi viime yönä täällä perheensä kanssa. Elli sopeutuu niin hyvin tänne että Fjalar- kissa ei edes tainnut huomata että oli vieras koira paikalla kun katsoi lasioven toiselta puolelta Elliä. Huomioi miten hyvin luonnonvalkoinen turkki ja vaaleanpunaiset korvat sointuvat Strandhagenin sisustukseen , ehkä Elli senkin takia tuntee itsensä kotoisaksi täällä 🙂…
On the island Sarfsalö they have a big gathering every Midsummer at the summer marketplace where they rise a maypole. As the weather was nice we could go there by boat as usual. It takes about 10 minutes by boat and 40 minutes by car, easy decision. On Midsummer evening we were speaking finnish, english…
Raparperitaivas missä se lie ilmalaiva meidät perille vie ja se taivas on sun ja mun piilopaikka yhteinen Leevi And The Leevings Raparperi onkin taivaallinen…
Today we received this wonderful photocollage from Bettina in Switzerland who stayed at Strandhagen B&B last week. It is photos from Strandhagen, Old Town of Porvoo and from Pellinge archipelago that we visited togehter. Thank you Bettina for the card and the nice time we shared. Keep on photographing!
When baking “knäckebröd” at Strandhagen it always has the shape of our pets, dachshund and cat. The delicious jam of apples and fresh ginger is very good and and easy to make. You´ll find the recepie here: Chocolate-chip cookies with a taste of chili 200 gram butter, 4 dl brown sugar ( sv. farin socker), 1…